Competitive Angling

What is Competitive Angling?

Competitive angling is defined as catching or attempting to catch fish with a rod, reel, line, and hook as outlined in the international angling rules, also known as IGFA. Until 1940, there was no universal code of sporting ethics to guide anglers in their pursuits. The first steps in this direction were taken in the late 1930’s by members of the British Tunny Club, who hoped to formulate rules for ethical angling. However, the looming threat of war interrupted their plans. Shortly after IGFA was founded in 1939, its officers immediately set to the task of establishing angling guidelines and requirements for world record catches.

The following angling rules have been formulated by the International Game Fish Association to promote ethical and sporting angling practices, to establish uniform regulations for the compilation of world game fish records, and to provide basic angling guidelines for use in fishing tournaments and any other group angling activities.

Our Aims

  • Impart knowledge onto members of DSBC
  • Promote Junior and Lady angling
  • Get our anglers to the level that they desire
  • Continue to achieve high honours on the national circuit
  • Never bring the clubs name in disrepute
  • Host a Prize Giving at year end


  • Submit your nominations for the year on the excel spreadsheet.
  • If you are selected for a competition, you must fish. If you pull out for ANY reason, you are out for the rest of the season. Selectors decision will be final.
  • Captains report must be submitted within 5 working days of the competition.
  • Disciplinary action will be taken against any transgressors
  • First year fishing interclubs. You pay R250 and you get a golf shirt, cap, two pairs of fishing shorts and two fishing shirts.
  • Must all wear golf shirt and jeans for evening briefings
  • Prize giving short chinos’ golf shirt and shoes/slopes
  • Mapalane and Zinkwazi is an expectation. Short chino’s too both
  • The captain or team manager will be held responsible for incorrect kit.
  • To represent your Province, you are required to submit your CV to myself and Bruce via email a week before nominations close.
  • Each angler is responsible for a R3000 sponsorship for the interclub, or put your boat in or help both days.
  • Each competitive anglers will participate in two social comps (date dependant)


Inter-club Event

A club will host an event know as an Inter-club. All clubs around the province and surrounding provinces are invited to attend.

Club representatives

Clubs will then select 3 “man” teams to represent them at this competition which is held over a Saturday & Sunday.

Arrival @ Club

The team/teams will arrive at the hosting club on a Friday night for the brief and boat draw

Competition day

Saturday/Sunday morning you arrive and fish during the allocated time given and then all fish are weighed at the weigh-in.


Competitive angling is defined as catching or attempting to catch fish with a rod, reel, line, and hook as outlined in the international angling rules, also known as IGFA. Until 1940, there was no universal code of sporting ethics to guide anglers in their pursuits. The first steps in this direction were taken in the late 1930’s by members of the British Tunny Club, who hoped to formulate rules for ethical angling. However, the looming threat of war interrupted their plans. Shortly after IGFA was founded in 1939, its officers immediately set to the task of establishing angling guidelines and requirements for world record catches.

Fishing is a funny sport. Everyone has their own opinion on what works and what doesn’t work What to use and what not to use? This is what makes fishing so interesting. To fish competitively, you learn new techniques from the different anglers you are teamed up with. You learn from the local skippers you fish with in the area you are fishing. You are able to fish areas you wouldn’t normally fish. And most importantly, you make new friendships with fellow anglers who share your passion.
So please, put up your hand and/or encourage your junior to put up his or her hand and get involved. Your fishing abilities and techniques will improve and new friendships will be formed.
I leave you with these wish words two of our Protea Anglers once told me when I started out.

“No matter which boat you climb on you will learn something new, so observe, listen and take note.”

“Steal with your eyes, if everyone else is catching fish and you not. See what they are doing and change to what they are using.”


Some guidelines to achieve Protea Colours in angling

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