Self Launching procedure – no use of tractor

- Access to the beach is via the tunnel under the promenade, swipe your card at the boom gate and proceed under the tunnel and onto the beach.
- Please do not stop between the boom & the beach or in the access tunnel for any reason.
- Please keep the entrance / roadway access clear while you are signing the register and preparing your boat. Due to congestion and restricted access at this traffic point you need to either prepare your boat on the road outside the club if it is safe to do so or on the beach. In the interests of safety and consideration for our tractor drivers please don’t do this outside the launch register office.
- It is in your interests to remember to deflate your tyres to avoid getting stuck in the sand which leads to congestion as others come to your recovery. The tractors will only attend to you after they have launched all boats in the queue. Please be considerate and only self – launch if you have the right vehicle and know how to drive on the sand. If not sure, ask for help from experienced ‘self-launchers’ outside of peak times.
- When you return, please keep the roadway outside the office clear while you sign yourself back in.