Tractor Tow Launch

Tractor Tow Launch

  • The safety tower / launch control tower is based under the promenade next to the Bait/Register Room.
  • This is manned by trained volunteers from one hour before first light to 15:00 on weekends & public holidays, subject to prevailing weather conditions.
  • If the safety officer on duty deems the weather to be unsafe to launch, he/she will place a “LAUNCH SITE CLOSED” board across the access road.
  • First Light – It is the Tower officer’s duty to call first light. For practical reasons we define FIRST LIGHT as once we can clearly see the end of north pier. If you and your vessel are not night-rated, please ask the tower officer on duty to confirm first light before you launch early morning.
  • Drive in via the automated boom gate with PWC card access and drive up the ramp on your right into the open gravel parking area referred to as Lot 5.6.
  • During duty hours, if the drivers are not currently attending to a boat, they can be contacted from the Bait Room. The staff on duty at the launch control room will locate the drivers if they are not present.
  • To arrange a tractor tow, you will need a tractor tow ticket which is obtained from the launch Bait Room. If you have paid the tractor levy, then you will need the membership card on which the levy is loaded for you to receive your “free” tractor ticket.
  • If you have not paid the tractor tow levy, you will need to pay the applicable tractor fee to the attendant who will then issue you with the tow ticket. One for “In” and one for “Out”.
  • Boats will be towed in the order of the tickets issued – tickets are numbered. On weekends, there is usually an attendant who will assist in coordinating the tow sequence and procedures.
  • This is a sheltered launch. You don’t need to warm motors in a SW wind or calm conditions. However, for 2 strokes in a NE wind or shore-break that need to warm motors, you may warm your motors at the wash bay before launching only after 04:00 in summer and 05:00 in winter and before 18:00 in the evening. Please don’t rev your motors unnecessarily.
  • Please be considerate of residents in our precinct and just warm them sufficiently to clear the small shore-break. The committee will investigate complaints against skippers who cause unnecessary noise and sanction them if necessary.
  • Hitch up your own boat trailer when it’s your turn – and secure with a chain which will allow speedy trailer recovery should your trailer come off the tow hitch during the launch.
  • The tractor driver will launch you and leave your trailer on the beach. NOTE: Launching is done so on the skipper’s instruction, The Durban Ski Boat Club and the tractor drivers will not be liable for any damages or injuries.
  • When you return let the tractor driver drop off a crew member to sign the launch register while he tows your boat to the parking area. Please don’t ask the tractor driver to wait for you while you find your place in the register and/or cause congestion in the launch access area. It is the skipper’s responsibility to ensure his vessel does not cause congestion anywhere between the beach entry/exit point and the parking area.
  • 4×4 Vehicles without a trailer are not allowed onto the beach. The guard has been instructed not to allow these vehicles on to the beach. Your vehicle must be parked in the available club parking whilst you are at sea and your trailer is parked on the beach.
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