Non-dsbc Boats

Non-DSBC Boats

  • If you are not a DSBC boat (S number) or DUC boat or not a member of either club then you must pay to launch whether you self-launch or require a tractor tow.
  • The schedule of fees payable is available at Bait Room.
  • Launch Fee – You will need to pay via credit card as we are cashless. The person on duty will print you out a launch slip if you are self-launching.
  • Tractor Tow Fee – If you require the tractor to launch,then you are required to purchase a “Tractor Tow – IN” ticket. If you require the use of the tractor after you beach, then you will be required to produce a “Tractor Tow – OUT” ticket.
  • DSBC is responsible for safety at this launch site. You are not permitted to launch if your vessel does not have a valid COF and / or if the skipper does not have a skipper’s certificate. We do not check this or ask you to show the radio operator on duty, however any DSBC committee member and the radio officer on duty is entitled to ask you to verify this before your launch or on your return. If you are found to have launched without complying with the required safety requirements the committee will investigate and sanction, if necessary, any skippers found to be violating safety regulations. Your safety is our primary concern. No fish is worth risking life or injury to you, your crew and / or other people on the beach or in the water.
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