S Number

If you join Durban Ski Boat Club with a boat or jetski it is preferable that you convert your number to an S Number (This is not the same as an SR number). If you are a member already and you purchase a boat or jetski then you need to apply for an S Number. It is preferable that all vessels belonging to members of Durban Ski Boat Club have an S Number. This simplifies being questioned when launching or requiring a tractor tow to pay fees. To apply for an S number for your boat you will need to be a paid up Ordinary member of DSBC. Please email accounts@durbanskiboatclub.co.za and state your full name and that you require an S Number. We will email you an application. You can then fill this in, scan and email back to us. We will then invoice you. Once payment is made (EFT is best option) then please email through proof of payment. We will then send you your S Number. The stickers that you will have made for your boat need to be a minimum height of 110mm to 150mm. However they need to be in proportion to the size of your boat. Preferably black in colour but need to be in a contrasting colour to your boat. If a black boat you can have white numbers. Once your boat has been passed with this new S Number you will need to send us a copy of the certificate, bouyancy certificate, skippers ticket, photograps, ICASA licence or proof of payment thereof for our records. If these are not received your boat may not be allowed to launch. A reminder that the S Number belongs to the member and not the vessel. When a vessel is sold the DSBC member needs to be responsible for peeling off the numbers on the boat and trailer. The COF does not pass over to the new owner. If you have sold your boat and are not buying another one then please let the office know so that we can take the S Number back into the pool for distribution to another member.