

Our club is a licensed premises and as such no alcohol may be brought on to the premises.

    • The use of all club facilities is at your own risk.
    • Speed limit in the club grounds is 15km/hour.
    • The security at the gate reserves the right to take your loyalty card if it doesn’t open the boom gate and request you to go to the admin office.
    • Membership card can be requested to be presented at any time.
    • Strictly no dogs allowed in the Clubhouse.
    • No ball games allowed in the Clubhouse.
    • Bad behavior, foul language and being a nuisance to others are not acceptable on club grounds. Members will be held responsible for any damage caused by them, their visitors or their families.
    • No club property to be removed from the club premises!

Our Committee


Durban Ski-Boat Club is one of the largest Ski Boat Clubs in the country and hosts the biggest Off Shore Fishing Competition in the world every April. Although primarily a fishing club, it is also a great place for families to spend the weekend. Durban Ski Boat Club shares the Point Water Sports Club facility with Durban Undersea Club. The Point Water Sports Clubhouse is situated under the Point promenade. It is a short walk across the sand to the best beach in Durban which is ideal for families, especially those with small children, as there are no strong currents or pounding surf to deal with while having a swim in the warm Indian Ocean, protected by Vetch’s Pier. Please note that the area is a public launch site so it is best to swim further north, closer to Vetchies Pier, as boats launch at any time of the day. Always keep a look out while on the sand or in the sea to keep safe!

Durban Ski Boat Club is one of the oldest fishing clubs in the country.
This can be confirmed when you see that we have a number of gentlemen in our 100 Club. This means that their age plus their number of years as a member of DSBC is equal to 100 or over. These are people we are very privileged to still have as members.
We have finally made it to our spectacular new clubhouse (shared with Durban Undersea Club) after a three year stay at the temporary site after the old DSBC clubhouse was demolished to make way for the Point Promenade. Our club is housed underneath the promenade with direct access to the beach.

Robbie Loumeau

Robbie Loumeau


DSBC Member since the early 2000’s PWC Director Director of an ICT Company Have a passion for fishing

Justin Paynter

Justin Paynter


Also known as Pink Pants Committee members since 2014 PWC Director 2022 Sadsaa Pro Officer 2022 Natal Selector 2022 His passion for fishing is evident in the amount of time he gives back to the sport

Robin Williams

Robin Williams


DSBC Member since 2015 Absolute passion for fishing and his family Better time is spent of the ocean

Ronnie Windsor

Ronnie Windsor

Safety Officer

Long-standing member of the DSBC since the late 90’s and has served on various committees in many different capacities, mostly in and around the area of safety.

Mark Justham

Mark Justham

Club Captain
Alan Gouveia

Alan Gouveia

Festival Convener

Member for about 15 years. Served on the committee for 10 years. Looks after social events and assist with DSBC Festival. Interests motorsport, in fact all sport.

Hilton Kidger

Hilton Kidger

Honorary Life Member

Member for 45 years. Honorary Life Member. Two terms as Commodore. Two terms as Vice Commodore. Festival Convener since inception

Cameron Johnston

Cameron Johnston

Marketing & Social

Fished all facets of ocean angling, including rock& surf and kayak fishing before turning to offshore fishing 10 years ago. I have been involved in social media management and conservation for 15 years and I am slowly working my way up the competitive fishing ladder, which is where my passion lies.

Graham Joyce

Graham Joyce

Tractor Management

Business owner for the last 16 years, Member of DSBC since 2018. I have a passion for my family, Friends & Fishing

Bruce Jackson

Bruce Jackson

Committee Member

Passionate about junior angling and the continuation and future of our sport of offshore angling. Married with two children Have been a member for 10 years Passionate about junior angling and the continuation and future of our sport of offshore angling

Matthew Hancock

Matthew Hancock

Legal Advisor

Legal Advisor, keen but not necessarily always successful angler.

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