Access to the club


Tandem parking for tow vehicles with boats on trailers is reserved on weekends and public holidays when the weather forecast is good for fishing.
A hazard tape will cordon-off the following areas for boats / tow vehicles returning to the club after fishing:
i. From the boom gate to the last surf-ski storage container.
ii. From the wash-bay to the harbour channel corner of the parking area.
The parking attendants on duty will not permit any vehicles without a trailer to park in these areas, even if the driver claims to have a trailer on the beach. Only tandems can park here – meaning a tow vehicle with trailer attached.
Signage on the fence will make this clear to all drivers looking for parking – “NO TRAILER – NO PARKING”
These reserved bays will be un-reserved when / if the weather deteriorates and / or when there are no more trailers on the beach.
Please make sure you park your tandem as close as possible to the others already parked there and that your tow vehicle is aligned with your trailer – not at an angle that blocks off other bays. We know the parking area is congested and reversing a trailer is tricky at the best of times but please make the effort to STRAIGHTEN UP YOUR TANDEM before going off to enjoy refreshments.
When all the tandems are full, then sorry for you, that’s the best we can do!
This will be a learning curve for staff and members, many who do not have ski boats – please help us get this right. Please don’t fight with the car guards or security or other non-boating members – raise your concerns with club management on site at the time, who will attend to issues where non-tandems have parked in reserved tandem bays.

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