Dear DUC and DSBC Members

With gyms closed but the beaches and promenade still open, you will be happy to know that the club facilities will still be available for members to use over the level 4 lock down period to get their exercise fixes whether swimming, diving, running, cycling or paddling. Club facilities will also be available for the more sedate members who just want to chill at the beach or go fishing.
Please make yourself familiar with the changes below that you can expect to see at the club over the next two weeks as we adapt to Level 4 restrictions:

Club Hours adjustment

The club opening hours are now:
Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm (effective 30/6/21)
Saturday and Sunday 8am to 3pm with coffee available as soon as possible after 7am once staff arrive on duty.
The club will now be open Mondays and Tuesdays until further notice. (Effective 30/6/21)

Please Note that the following services and facilities are still available 7/24:

  •  The launching operations (tractors, wash bay and boat yard) remain available as per normal
  • The club undercover parking remains open as normal
  • During the hours that the clubhouse is closed – the afterhours ablutions (accessible from the undercover parking are available.
  • Cool drinks, water, ice, snacks and bait are available 24/7 from the launch control office (Bait store)
  • There is a PWC staff member on duty in the front launch (bait) office 24/7 should you require any assistance.
    Alcohol sales – these are always prohibited at current level 4 conditions, so club bars are closed for the time being.
    Kitchen menu, coffees, cool drinks and seating

Level 4 restrictions require that the only meals that restaurants can serve are take away meals. To this end the kitchen menu will be changed to include meals that are suitable for take away and the beach. This menu will be adjusted on a regular basis depending on what is in the larder at the time.

Coffee, cool drinks, ice creams, slush puppies and baked goods will still be available from the coffee counter.

PLEASE NOTE: To discourage gatherings around and attention to the club, there is no seating available at the club either inside or outside. Please bring your beach chairs. The club will also not be providing charcoal for braais over this period.

Staffing and cleaning

Many staff will go on leave over the next two weeks as the club scales down its operations. This will especially apply to the grounds and cleaning staff. We ask all members to assist by cleaning up after themselves in the bathrooms and especially by not bringing sand by means of their feet and bodies into the bathrooms to be washed off.

Fraud Warning!!

A member brought to our attention a suspicious email they received recently.

A scammer pretending to be Jackie Kruger, who is the person at the club who mostly deals with memberships and payments, has been emailing members pretending to be her and asking for payment into another bank account.

Please be very careful with any suspicious mails and check with the club if need be, by emailing or phoning the club on 031 0300190.

Payment can be made via the MyClubAccount website, the payment link we’ve sent already or to the respective club’s account all of which have been in use for a couple of years, accounts have not been changed this year. PWSC, DSBC and DUC all use Nedbank accounts.

Surf Ski Auction – postponed until further notice.

Your contact for more details is Dave “Irish” Aikins:

Surf Ski / Paddling restrictions

After Sunday night’s message from the President, we have received the following guidelines from Canoe SA.

  1. The CSA Calendar is suspended until 11th July.
  2. Paddling can continue but not in groups, so back to training on your own or with immediate family for a couple of weeks.
  3. Clubs changerooms can remain open.
  4. No club dices, braais etc.

Lynton Appeal

Lynton is a loyal member and supporter of the club and assisted the club with new furnishings for the new clubhouse. Lynton is in dire need of assistance and would appreciate it if you could either volunteer to be tested or spread the word of his appeal. Please check the attachment for details.

We look forward to seeing you at the club

The PWC Team

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