Dear DUC and DSBC Members

With schools starting again, the club reverts to being closed on Mondays and Tuesdays effective immediately.

Level 3 Covid regulations means that the club can now open for dinners again and the cherry on top – serve alcohol again. Having an on-site liquor licence means that the club can serve alcohol from 10am to 8pm including weekends under the current regulations.

See the updated Club Hours effective 28th July

Food Situation

The food supply situation has returned to normal and the kitchen will be producing the full menu plus the regular specials which are:

Wednesday Curry Specials
Thursday Roast Specials
Friday Eisbien Special
Sunday Roast Specials

The quick meal breakfasts will also be available on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Membership Fees Due

The club membership year is from 1st August to 31st July and all memberships expire on the 31st of July each year irrespective of the date when you joined the club.
Members have 30 days after the 31st of July to pay their fees in full, so the deadline for payments for the membership fee for the 2021/22 membership year is the 31st August 2021.

If you have any queries regarding your membership – please send an email to


Considering the turbulent events of the past year, understandably some members may not be able to renew their memberships for the coming year. If you do not intend to renew, please send an email to advising the club of your intentions so that we can advise those on the waiting list sooner rather than later that membership spaces have become available

Springbok Special for Lions test matches

For the next two weeks while the British and Irish Lions are in the country, there will be a special on Springbok Shooters at R15 ea while stocks last

The remaining test matches will be shown on the club TV’s but please adhere to the COVID level 3 regulations by wearing your mask and social distancing.

Open Water Ocean Swim – 31st July

Please find attached details of the Open Water swim planned for Saturday morning 31st July.

If you have any queries or need more information, please contact Steve Evans on:

Surf Ski Auction –

now planned for Saturday 7th August 10am.

Your contact for more details is Dave “Irish” Aikins:

Ice Sales

If you are having a braai with your mates to watch the rugby and Olympics, you can buy 5kg bags of ice from the club for R10 a bag. Ice sales are available 24/7 and if you want to take advantage of this saving, please bring a cooler box with you to the club so you don’t end up with just water when you get home despite the recent chilly weather. It must be really cold when you see farmers wearing lang broeke.

We look forward to seeing you at the club

The PWC Team

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