Dear DUC and DSBC members

With the coronavirus situation and the regulations pertaining to them changing almost daily, the committee and management of PWSC are doing their best to keep in step with the rapidly evolving environment.

After further information being released yesterday regarding the situation surrounding restaurant opening hours, the club has revised its restaurant hours to accommodate longer trading hours. Please note that this is an interim measure for the weekend as the club continues to seek clarity and the way forward on the issues.

The overriding factor here is that the club is a licenced premises with a max 50 person total allowed on the premises which includes a minimum of 10 staff.

This 50 person limitation has the following effect:

  • There is only one staff shift limited to 10 in number so overall possible trading hours are limited
  • Due to skeleton staffing menu options will be limited Sat Menu Sun Menu
  • Once the total limit has been reached, serving points may be closed to new arrivals.
  • The club is open to members only – non-member guests are not permitted or must be approved by management beforehand
  • Access control to the clubhouse is being controlled but access to the beach is not.
  • Considerations will be made for those coming off the beach wanting to use the ablutions only
  • Please do not linger longer than necessary in the clubhouse to allow other members the opportunity to make use of the facilities
  • Please make use of the beach as much as possible to “hang out”
  • Consider a takeaway meal as an option if available.

The interim revised hours are:

Note: The club office will be open during these times only!
Tuesday to Saturday (Please note Sat 21st is a public holiday – see below)
Club Hours are 8am to 6pm
Last order in the kitchen will be at 5pm
Last order in the bar will be at 5.30pm
Clubhouse doors closed at 6pm
Sundays and public holidays (incl Sat 21st March)
Club Hours are 8am to 4pm
Last kitchen order will be at 3pm
Last bar order at 12.30pm.
Clubhouse doors closed at 4pm.

Due to the rapidly changing environment the above times are subject to change without notice.

The committee is aware that there are calls for the club restaurant to stay open longer after bar closing times and to be able to increase the number of members allowed on the premises after the bar closes. We have tried to accommodate this as much as possible with the resources available but there are several factors to be considered to go this route, one of them being the staffing of the club.

Further communications from the club will follow as the coronavirus situation develops and clarity on the club operations is achieved, so please also keep an eye on the respective club Facebook pages. However, please do not try and contact or ask questions via the club social media platforms – rather email any queries you may have to as the club manager, Paul, now has a bit of extra time on his hands to answers questions!

The PWSC Executive committee

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