Dear DUC and DSBC Members

The time has finally arrived for us to depart the temporary clubhouse site and start setting up in the new permanent clubhouse under the promenade. This means that for the next few days at least, we will be “offline” at the club offices. Phones and emails will be down as we will be a bit busy sorting out the new office space and setting up communications.

The popular car park kiosk will operate as normal for the foreseeable future and coffees cooldrinks are available from 6am to 3pm daily and take away meals available on Saturdays and Sundays only.

Club House progress

The club is in a bit of a limbo at the moment having to vacate the temporary premises by 31st July but not being able to fully set up in the new site as building, electrical, plumbing and shopfitting is still happening until about mid-August. It will then still take a couple of weeks to get fully ready to receive you. We are a bit loath to give you an exact opening date but we are hopefully aiming for the 1st September.
You will however get a taste of the new club during August as we will be using the new offices and some of the ablution facilities at the new clubhouse during August.

Parking and beach access

Parking will remain as is for the time being as the new undercover parking will not be available until the builders have handed over the site to the club.
A reminder that the beaches are still out of bounds and, despite what is happening elsewhere along our coastline, we still cannot walk, drive or go swimming on the central Durban beaches which includes the beach in front of the new clubhouse.

The next important date on the lockdown calendar seems to be the 15th of August as this the date when the current declaration of the state of disaster expires. We will have a better idea of the way forward for the club and beach access after this date.

BIG THANK YOU for your support

Thank you to ALL of the members who have been very supportive of the club over this difficult period despite many of the members being under stress themselves during lockdown. The club has had plenty of offers of donations and assistance from members, especially when it comes to the staff, helping out with the relocation and the appeal for artifacts to decorate the club. ( We are still looking for some wooden paddles as per examples attached)
Members have also been very understanding of the limited service we are able to offer while under COVID lockdown and have made the most of the car park “ hang out” over the last two months. There have been plenty messages of moral support from members to the committee members working hard behind the scenes with all the aspects of lockdown and the relocation as well as member support for the staff and their welfare. Thank you.

Despite the challenging financial climate and uncertain future, members are paying their subs promptly for the upcoming 20/21 membership year and the club is currently on par with past years subs collections so far. We are looking positive and forward to an exciting, if rather different, year ahead with members and their families keen to make the most of the new facility and the unique and sheltered Vetches beach, reef and ocean access.

See you at the club soon

Keep safe and sane

The PWC Team

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