Dear DUC and DSBC Members

With holidays upon us and a lot more socializing taking place, the spread of Covid-19 has increased and positive cases are currently on the increase.

It is compulsory for staff and members to wear a mask that covers their noses and mouths while moving around or sitting inside the clubhouse (if not eating or drinking).

Please encourage and remind one another and the staff in a friendly manner to adhere to this safety protocol if you notice that someone has forgotten to put on a mask inside the clubhouse.

To reduce the risks to us all we encourage the members to make use of the outside areas of the club including the beach if weather permits and if the weather is not conducive, to practice social distancing and mask wearing while in the clubhouse.

You will have plenty of opportunity to practice your Covid protocols as we have a full program of entertainment lined up for you at the club this weekend. See below and attached for more details

Openwater Swimming

With many gyms having been closed for a lengthy period and the Midmar Mile looming, Openwater / surf swimming has seen a surge in activity recently.

Although DUC has had an Openwater Swimming section for a few years it has been a dormant discipline which has now been revived by Steve Evans. The first club swim is planned for this Sunday 6th December.

Please see attachment for more details.

Friday 4th December:

Eisbien Special available from 12.30pm
Happy Hour 4pm to 6pm
DJ Lungisani form 4pm to 8pm ( see attachment)

Saturday 5th Dec

Sundown Saturday with DJ Curt 2.30pm – 7.30pm

Sunday 6th Dec

Sunday Vibes with Paulo
Sunday Roasts available from 12,30pm

PWSC Kiddies Christmas Tree – Dec 19th

Father Christmas will be visiting the club on Saturday 19th December. Besides Santa, there will entertainment for the kids from 9am as well as some refreshments. To join in on the day, please do the following:

  • Purchase a present for your child to the max value of R250 or less
  • Mark the present with your child’s name and bring it to the club office before 9am on Dec 19th
  • Register your child and present with the staff on duty and pay R20. ( Slush Puppy and hot dog provided)
  • Santa will be at the club at 11am to hand the present to your child after he gets off his boat!

New Years Party

The club does have plans to hold a New Years party however these have been put on hold pending further Covid announcements expected, especially with regards to the current curfew in place which is from 12am to 4am. If the curfew remains in place, the club will not be in a position to celebrate New Year this year.

An option could be to set our clocks two hours ahead and celebrate new year at 10pm!

We will keep you posted in this regard.

See u at the club

The PWC Team

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