Dear DUC and DSBC Members

They say it takes two weeks to make or break a habit and it seems that during the lockdown many members got into the habit of exercising in the morning between the mandated times of 6am and 9pm and are still in the habit of doing so.

The new clubhouse is ideally situated at the southern end of the new promenade to provide a “base” for members who have got into the habit of working up a sweat with a morning cycle, run or walk. If you use the clubhouse as your starting point it is 8km to the northern end of the promenade at the Blue Lagoon or a 16km round trip – ideal for some training programs.

Club Opening Hours

To facilitate members who are exercising in the morning and who would like to use the club as a base, the club is now open from 6am. Coffee and bacon & egg breakfast rolls are available from 6.15am

The undercover parking and ablutions are also available from 6am, so if you are one of the lucky ones that are back at work, you will be able exercise, have a shower, grab a coffee and an energy replacement meal before heading off to work.

As fitting out of the clubhouse is still underway, the club hours are currently:

Clubhouse 6am to 3pm
Office 9am to 3pm

These hours will change once the clubhouse is fully operational.

Meal and bar service

The kitchen and bar facilities are still being fitted out so F&B service is currently limited but available if you are not too fussy!
At present, meals are all served on a takeaway basis which also suits the current COVID considerations and are while stocks last
As facilities and equipment come online we will expand the service and offerings.

Official Opening

This is by far the most popular question being asked at the moment and although we had targeted the 1st of September as a possible club opening date, it is now clear that this target will not be met.
The committees are in agreement that the club should be in the best “showpiece” state and fully operational on official opening so the date is: “watch this space!”
However, as you can see from above, some of the club facilities are currently available for members to use which also helps the club and staff to sort out the teething issues and gradually “spool” up to full operational mode.

Safety around the club

As the clubhouse is still technically a construction site – please do not enter areas that are not ready for use.
There are areas in the undercover parking that are still being used as storage sites and construction areas – please keep an eye out for workers and staff suddenly walking in front of you when driving in the garage. They have walking around in the parking for months without having to look left and right, so please be patient with them.

Now that members can use the beach (but not yet swim!) please be very aware of boat activity.
On weekends the boat launch and recovery area is demarcated by signs and cones. Please assist the boat skippers and beach control staff by not setting up your beach camp in this area and keeping your children and pets well out of this zone at all times.
If you need to cross this zone, please try and do so at least 20m to 30m “inland” and keep an eye out to sea for boats approaching the beach at speed as they beach.

A reminder that Vetches is a working launch site and that there is a lot of tractor and vehicle activity on the beach, especially to the south side.
Please try and get into the habit now of using the northern side of the Vetches beach ( where the reef meets the beach) as the spot to set up your beach camp as this is where the bathing area will be once we are allowed to swim in the sea again and vehicle activity in this area will be less.

Thank you

Last Sunday was the “perfect storm” for the club – the first Sunday that people were allowed on the beaches as well as ideal beach weather for the occasion – sun, flat sea and no wind.
Thank you to those members that visited us on the day to “check out” the clubhouse before committing to paying their subs for the year and then promptly paying their fees to be part of this new and exciting chapter in the histories of DSBC and DUC.
Your positive responses were a vote of confidence and moral boosters for the volunteer committee members that have been working beyond the call of duty behind the scenes to ensure that the club meets the expectations and requirements of the members.
See you at the club soon
Keep safe and sane

The PWC Team

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