Dear DUC and DSBC Members
Until we can get a direct fibre optic line feed to the club we will not be able activate our webcam so that you can see the beach and sea conditions at the club from the comfort of your couch in the mist belt. So we will continue to field the daily calls to the club office asking “Is it windy at the club, are there blue bottles, what are the waves like?”.
The best weather at the club is when the westerly winds are blowing (from the harbour side) as this flattens the sea in front of the club, pushes the blue bottles out to sea away from the beach and the promenade structure protects the members from the wind gusts.
Good news is that westerly winds are forecast for most of this coming weekend, so those phones calls might not be needed!
Live Music This Weekend
On Friday 26th March VERANDA PANDA will be entertaining members from 4.30pm to 8pm
HAPPY HOUR is from 4pm to 6pm every Friday
On Sunday 28th March, IGAL will be playing from 1pm to 5pm
Openwater Swimming Events
Since the “re-introduction” of open water swimming at the club under the stewardship of Steve Evans, there has been a marked increase in membership and activity in this club discipline.
The open water swimming section has reached the stage where a monthly timed swim can be held as well as league swimming.
Starting this weekend on Saturday 27th, the club be holding a trial timed monthly swim to get the ball rolling and to iron out any logistics and safety issues ahead of the regular holding of these swims.
Please see the attachments for more details on the monthly and league swims as well as for the contact details for any queries and to be put on the contact list for club swims.
Membership fees for 2021/22
The committees of DSBC and DUC are very aware of the financial difficulties that some members have had to endure this past year. Due to the disruption experienced last year, fees for this current (20/21) membership year were kept at the same previous years’ levels despite the increased costs incurred with the relocation and running of the new clubhouse facility.
Considering the costs incurred over the past year by the club, the committees have had to increase fees for the coming membership year (21/22) by approximately 5.5%.
A reminder that the membership year runs from August to July irrespective of when you joined the club. As membership fees for both clubs need to be settled in full by 31st August each year, the committees would like to give members feeling the strain the opportunity to start making part payments towards their 21/22 membership fees.
If you would like to start making payments over the next 5 months towards next year’s fees, please send an email to who will respond with the amount due and the payment and reference details for your category membership.
Membership capping
DUC has reached its membership threshold cap and will be closing membership to further applications. DSBC is close to reaching their membership cap and only a few social and boating memberships of DSBC are currently still available. A waiting list for membership of the clubs will soon be put into effect. So if you have any mates looking for membership who have been procrastinating in taking up membership, please urge them to contact soonest to finalize their membership applications.
We look forward to seeing you at the club
The PWC Team