Dear DUC and DSBC Members

Uncertainty still rages with regards as to what is and what is not allowed sporting wise during level 3. The confusion around beach access has delayed this communication to you so the situation outlined below is as it stands today, Saturday 13th June

We would like to thank DSBC members Sean Earl and Peter Meyer for their kind donations of 500 lt of sanitizer and foot operated hands free dispensers to the club so we could get our act together in this regard.

Please note that skippers and members are responsible for ensuring that they adhere to covid safety requirements such as mask wearing and social distancing while in the club grounds and on their boats.

Beach access, launch site and fishing.

Recreational fishing from boats and fishing skis IS NOW PERMITTED from the club launch site.

No vehicles can access the beach or the north pier, so all launches are tractor launches.

Members are not allowed on the beach other than when launching – the beaches remain closed.

The launch procedure for ski boats is as follows:

  1. Arrive at club gate – membership card check
  2. Take first left into car park
  3. Put marked golf ball into tractor queue tube
  4. You will be guided as to where to park your boat and to unhitch the trailer.
  5. Once unhitched – you will be guided as to where to park your vehicle
  6. Complete the boat launch register in full with contact details including crew – no nicknames. This is for COVID 19 track and trace requirements.
  7. While waiting for your tow, grab a cup of coffee from the take away kiosk in the guard hut
  8. NB – if you are not present at your boat when it is your turn for a tow according to the golf ball order, you will forfeit your turn and go to back of the queue.
  9. Once your boat has been towed to the beach and launched, your trailer will be dropped by the tractor driver on the “hard “by the containers.
  10. Normal radio launch control procedures apply
  11. On returning to beach, the crew should go to the hard and locate the trailer and direct the tractor driver to it for boat recovery.
  12. Complete launch register and grab another cup of coffee before departure from club site

The launch procedure for fishing skis is as follows:

  1.  Arrive at club gate – membership card check
  2. Take second left on to the north pier
  3. Drive on to “hard “by the containers
  4. Unload ski
  6. Complete launch register
  7. Grab a cup of coffee from the kiosk in the guard hut and return to your ski by foot and go fishing
  8. On your return – reverse applies, collect vehicle, load up and depart straight away from the hard groyne area. You are welcome to enjoy another cup of coffee in the car park.

Reopening of club facilities

To service the launching of water craft, the club has reopened the club car park and established a coffee take away kiosk in the guard hut which all members are welcome to make use of.

Limited Parking

The current parking available to the club is very limited due to:

  • It being used as a construction storage site for the club fit out
  • Access to the north pier and the parking that we used to be able to access being closed to members use by Transnet except for the storing of trailers on the hard groyne area

If you plan to come down to the club please make note of the following:

  • The car park is congested with boat launching activity between 4.30am and 8am
  • You will most likely have to park in the road
  • Make sure that you do not bring valuables that need to be left in car if you are required to park in the road. We will not be able to “squeeze you in”!
  • Parking is strictly members only – guest parking will not be allowed until further notice
  • Bring as many people in one car as possible.

Keep safe and sane
The PWC Team

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