Dear DUC and DSBC Members

The new club number is 031 0300190 but we do prefer email queries as the club office is currently a very busy place! We do try and answer email queries within 24hrs or at least acknowledge receipt until we are able to deal with the query in full.

Opening hours at the club are now back to “normal”. In fact the club is now open for longer hours than in the past. This is due to members making good use of the club in the mornings as their base to do their morning exercise activities. We hope to see more of you make use of these extended club hours which now includes Mondays (6am to 3pm).

We are now open for dinner from Tuesday to Saturday evenings however we will be monitoring the support we receive to see if it is worthwhile to do so especially on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Please support the club dinners if you want to continue to have dinner available on most nights.

Please be aware that the club is hosting the King of the Bay Surf Ski Race prize giving on Sunday 4th October so parking will be limited on Sunday morning.

Opening times going forward

Club opens daily at 6am and we will try to serve coffee and crunchies as soon as possible thereafter
Kitchen opens daily at 7am
Bar opens daily at 10am
Office opens daily at 9am

Closing times

Office closes daily at 3pm
Monday Club closes 3pm
Tuesday to Saturday Club closes 10pm
Bar closes 9.30 pm (last order)
Kitchen closes 7.45pm (last order)
Sunday Club closes 8pm
Bar closes 7.45 pm (last order)
Kitchen closes 5.45pm (last order)

Club Access Control

There seems to be a rumour going around that non-members can walk into the club, use the facilities and get served at the tills. This is not the case.

We are in the process of instituting access controls in certain places in the club like at some of the bathrooms and outside access doors.

IF A DOOR DOES NOT OPEN – DO NOT TRY TO FORCE IT OPEN! Please go to the club office and get your card activated for access control.

As we have over 7000 members, we are instituting access control gradually so that we do not have a flood of frustrated members at the office trying to get their membership cards activated all at once.

With rain forecast for this whole weekend and a relatively quiet clubhouse expected, this weekend would be a great time to visit the club for a snack and get your card activated for access control – especially in the afternoons and if you have not yet visited the new clubhouse.

We also ask that you complete the COVID register at the club entrance and assist the club and staff in making the club a happy, safe place to be without us having to reprimand each other all the time.

Subs Payment reminder

A reminder that payment notifications have now been sent to all DUC and DSBC members and fees are now due. If you have not received your payment details check you spam inbox. Otherwise your email address may be recorded incorrectly on the accounts billing system.

If you have an account query – please send an email to

Keep safe and sane

The PWC Team

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